How do I access an online discussion?


How to access a discussion board using the side navigation in Canvas.




How do I access an online discussion?



1. First log into Canvas and access your course. On the left-hand side of the screen there will be a navigation bar. On this navigation bar there will be a link that reads: Discussionss. 

Image of left navigation bar in Canvas. The list is one word long and runs down the page. All words are blue with the exception of the first word "Home" which is black. The list reads as follows: Home, Announcements, Modules, Help, Discussions, Assignments, Quizzes, People, and Grades. There are two red lines that set the word "Discussion" apart from the list.

2. Clicking on the "Discussions" link on this navigation bar will take you to the Discussion homepage. Here you will see all of the discussions for the course. 

This is a list of Discussion Boards found in a course. Each topic has the title of the board and when the last post was made.

3. Select the discussion board you wish to participate  in and click the title. This will allow you access to the online discussion board. 


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Article ID: 128829
Fri 2/26/21 10:17 AM
Mon 2/3/25 7:01 AM

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