How to Create a Form Using Microsoft Forms?
All faculty and staff members can use Microsoft Forms to create a Form.
To create a Form using Microsoft Form.
1. Go to
2. Sign in using your school credentials.
3. Navigate to the menu on the left-hand side of the page and select "Apps".
4. Select "All Apps".
5. Click on "Forms".
6. Select "New Form” from the drop-down menu next to "New Quiz".
7. Add a Form title and description.
Note: Form titles can have up to 90 characters. Descriptions can have up to 1,000 characters. Also, your Form is saved automatically while you create it.
8. Click the "Add New" button.
9. Choose a question type e.g., Choice, Text, Rating, or Date question. More question types include Ranking, Likert, File upload, and Net Promoter Score®.
9a. To create a simple Form, choose "Text” as the question type in the empty field, type your answer e.g., first name, then click "Insert new” and select "Text question" to add a second field and type Last Name.
Note: On the bottom right, you may also turn on the Long Answers Button to allow long answers of up to four thousand words, or the Required Button to make the question required in the submission of the Form.
9b. Click "Add New" to enter the next question and select "Date".
9c. Next, click "Add New” and select "Choice” as the question type. Fill in with the relevant information. If needed, enable the add "Other" option.
9d. Next, select "Add New" and then "Rating" Fill in the required Information. Then, for Rating, select the Levels (2-10) and Symbol (Star or Number).
10. To add a Theme to your Form. Click "Style" in the upper right corner of the Form creation screen. then add the required Theme.
10a. To preview the Form, click the "Preview" button. in the upper right corner.
10b. Using the "Computer" and "Mobile" tabs, check out how the Form looks. To continue modifying your Form, click the "Back" arrow in the top left corner.
11. To add more settings to your Form, click More Settings (three dots) in the upper right corner, and select "Settings".
11a. To receive responses Tick the "Accept responses" box.
11b. To stop getting responses, return to these Settings and uncheck the box.
11c. You can enable more options like.
- Set a start and end date for the Form.
- Shuffle questions and lock specific ones.
- Customize thank you message.
- Show progress bar.
- Allow receipt of responses after submission.
- Get email notification of each response.
12. To share your Form, click "Collect Responses" in the upper right corner.
12a. For sharing within the organization, tick "Only people in my organization can respond" and copy the link to share with other members.
12b. To share your Form with people outside of your organization, Select the option "Anyone with the link can respond" and copy the URL provided, you can now send this link to the people you want.
13. To view a Form response, click on "Responses" in the top left corner.
13a. Click on "More Details" on each question to get more detailed information on the responses.
13b. To download your Form responses, click on "Open in Excel". and the responses will be downloaded in an Excel file format.
If you need further assistance, please use the following link to contact IT - Submit a service request.