What can I See in My Work / My Assignments?


Assignments and tasks that appear in My Assignments are not yet complete and are available to move into My Work.



What can I see in My Work / My Assignments?



All faculty and staff have the ability to access My Work / My Assignments.


These items appear in My Work > My Assignments:

  1. Non-parent tasks which are less than 100% complete and assigned to the user.
  2. Issues that are "Open" or "In Process" and assigned to the user.
  3. Tickets which have do not have a "closed" status and for whom the user is responsible.
  4. Ticket tasks which are less than 100% complete and assigned to the user.


These items appear in My Work > My Work:

  1. The items that the user has specifically chosen to add to their work and are not yet complete.
  2. There are no date restrictions on what appears in these lists.
  3. When any of these items are marked as 100% complete or closed, the items are removed from My Assignments and My Work.


If you need further assistance, please use the following link to contact IT - Submit a service request.