Service Description:
Sotheby's Institute of Technology uses the mobile app #CampusClear to enable students, faculty and staff to log how they are physically feeling and whether they have tested positive for COVID-19. Completion of the app's questions is required for entry to the school.
Community members should log how they feel with the app ONLY on days that they plan to come to school premises.
#CampusClear asks one question regarding how the community member is feeling. Based on the response, the community member is given a screen indicating "Good to Go" or "Please Stay Home".
The #CampusClear app is available on both iOS or Android devices.
Available to:
All students, faculty and staff who access school facilities must download and use the #CampusClear app from their respective App Stores.
Reference Links
#CampusClear can also be accessed via the web at
Current Service Status: