How do I Search for a Service or Knowledge Base Article?


How do I use the "search function" to find requestable services and knowledge base articles?



All faculty, staff and students have the ability to browse the Service Catalog.

Searching is often the easiest way to find an article or service that you are looking for.  If you are looking for help with a specific issue, we recommend searching first.  If your first search does not bring back what you're looking for, try to search again using different terms.

  1. The search, located in the upper right corner of the Sage Service Home Page, will return both "Services" and "Knowledge Base" articles, or can be customized to select which return you prefer (see screenshot below). 

Taking note of whether the result is a service or knowledgebase article can help you sort through the results more effectively.  Services allow  you to submit a ticket for help.  Knowledge Base articles are self-help solutions.

screen shot showing search drop down box with Knowledge Base and Service Catalog search options

There are search functions inside of the Service Catalog and Knowledge Base that only return results from their respective sections.

  • To search the list of available Services, navigate to the Service Catalog by selecting "Services" on the Home Page toolbar and then select "Search" from the grey toolbar.  you may narrow your search by selecting a specific category.  You can also view all services in an alphabetized list by selecting Services A-Z.
  • To search the Knowledge Base for an answer to your problem, navigate there by selecting "Knowledge Base" on the Home Page toolbar,and then select "Search" from the grey toolbar.  You may narrow your search by selecting a specific category.


If you need further assistance, please use the following link to contact IT - Submit a service request.

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