How do I download my Evaluation and Certificate of Completion?



How do I download my certificate of completion?


After you successfully complete your course, you will receive a certificate of completion and a written evaluation from your teacher. You will be notified by email when your certificate and evaluation are available. 


1. Once you receive the email notifying you that your certificate and evaluation are ready to download, log into your Canvas Course.


2. Click Modules, then scroll to the bottom of the page to the "Program Completion" Module

3. Open the "How to Get Your Evaluation and Certificate" page for step-by-step instructions on where to locate and download your Evaluation and Certificate of Completion.


Note: You will have up to 90 days of read-only access to review course materials and to download a copy of your evaluation and certificate after the last day of class. After 90 days you will no longer have access to your course. 

If you need further assistance, please use the following link to contact IT - Submit a service request.



Article ID: 132685
Mon 5/24/21 1:21 PM
Tue 11/14/23 11:50 AM