How do I download and use the Canvas App?


Instructions to download and use the Canvas App



How do I download and use the Canvas App?


Canvas has mobile apps for iOS and Android which you can download from the relevant app store

  1. Search for the Canvas Student App from the Apple App store or Google play store, then download and install.

Image of canvas App


  1. Search for Sotheby’s institute of Art. If not found then search for “”.


  1. You will be prompted to the page below to authenticate your email.

Image of canvas login page

  1. After you press Continue you will be prompted to sign-in. Type in your email address and password.

Image of SSO login menu

  1. Once logged in you will see canvas Dashboard listing the courses you enrolled to.

Image of Canvas app showing dashboard


  1. Dashboard overview.

Image of canvas dashboard arrow pointing to different options.

  1. More options: Here you can change settings, add profile picture, See course files and logout

Image of canvas app settings

  1. Account name: Here if you click on the logo with your first and last name initials then you will be able to upload your profile picture.
  2. Course Files: Here you can upload your files for courses such as pictures and documents.
  3. Show marks: This option if turn will show your grades on the course tile in dash as shown in picture below.

image of canvas dashboard


  1. Colour overlay: It will overlay the course image with colour in dashboard.
  2. Settings: Here you can change the landing page, Email notifications and Push notifications

Image of canvas settings page.

  1. Landing page allows you to change the page that you want to see at the beginning once you open the app.
  2. Email notifications allows you to set the notification preference which is sent to your email
  3. Push notification allows you to set the notification settings through app.
  4. Subscribe to calendar feed: If you have subscribed to the calendar feed then please do not totally rely on your phone calendar as sometimes it takes a while to synchronise. We suggest to check calendar from the canvas app itself for better reliability.
  5. Change user: This is will allow you to sign in with different canvas account if you have one.
  6. Log out: You can log out from app from here.


  1. Dashboard: Here you will find all your enrolled active course if you have not changed it on (h) Edit.
  2. Calendar when you first click on calendar you will be prompted to select your course calendar. Please select all your calendar if you do not then you will not be able to see any events for the courses that you did not selected.

Note: You can only add up to 10 course calendars. If you exceed then 10 then you will not able to see new course calendar so, do remove old calendars.

  1. To-Do: Here you will see the list of to do list such as assignments, submissions etc.
  2. Notifications: This is the push notification from the courses for assignment submission, discussion board, Remainders, upcoming events etc.
  3. Inbox: This is canvas only inbox which means this is not linked with your personal or institute email. You can email to any from your course here. Also, this is not used widely for the means of communication in institute.
  4. See all: Here you can see all of your course and change the colour code of the course.
  5. Edit: Here you can select the courses that you want to make them available in dashboard. If you starred the course here, then you will only be able to see that particular course in dashboard.


Note: - Time zones cannot be changed through app and is synced with your Phone.


If you need further assistance, please use the following link to contact IT - submit a service request.



Article ID: 115626
Fri 9/4/20 9:15 AM
Wed 1/22/25 6:50 AM

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